TurkishErotica.com Gizlilik Politikası

This page provides information about turkisherotica.com privacy policy.

This site expressly and strictly limits its membership and/or viewing privileges to adults over the age of 18. People who do not meet the criteria are strictly prohibited from accessing or viewing the content of this site. We do not knowingly or willfully collect any personal information or data from persons who have not reached the age of majority.

Users can access free videos without signing up and sharing any information.

Cookies: When you access our website, it is possible that we will send one or more cookies to your computer, which will uniquely identify your browser session. We employ both session cookies and persistent cookies. Kindly note that if you choose to remove your persistent cookie, some features of the site may not function correctly.

Log File Information: When you access our site, our servers automatically log various pieces of information that your web browser sends. This information encompasses your IP address, the type of browser, the language settings of the browser, the referring URL, the platform type, the domain name, and the date and time of your request.

Email address: If you contact us, we may keep a record of this correspondence.

All videos you send to us may be redistributed and viewed by the general public via the internet and other media channels.

We do not use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send commercial or marketing messages without your consent.

We may use your email address for non-marketing administrative purposes.

We analyze aggregated user traffic information to help streamline our hosting and improve the quality of the user experience.

We do not share your personal information (such as name or email address) with other third party companies.

You are responsible for keeping your password secure. Please do not share your password with anyone.